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Help make a difference

Paws and Recover offer the services of short term foster care, dog walking, dog transport, in-home feeding and any other help for those who are unable to look after their pet as a result of an illness, fall and many other crisis situations.


We receive no government support, nor ongoing help. The success of this relies on a good foundation of volunteers who have a love and passion to help animals and their owners.


We place requests for help onto our Facebook and Instagram pages. Keep an eye on our pages to see where you can help!​ Have a look below at some of the ways you can get involved to help:

Foster Care

Foster care is when you take care of a pet in your own home until their owner can get back on their feet. Care is usually for under 12 weeks. We usually get requests for help for dogs and cats, but sometimes we need care for other animals too. We will guide you through each process. You can send us questions any time through email.


This is often to a foster carers house or to a vet. Transport is so essential to get the help and care an animal needs, and whenever someone puts their hands up to transport it is always welcomed with a sigh of relief! If you would like to volunteer, please fill out this form and then keep an eye on our Instagram and Facebook page to see when something comes up: â€‹


Dog walking

We often need regular dog walkers. Dogs need walking – and some need lots of walking! Some owners cannot walk their pups, and other dogs need more walking than a foster carer can provide. If you would like to volunteer, please fill out this form and then keep an eye out on our Facebook or Instagram pages to see what comes up: ​


Volunteering at Stalls

Passionate about animals and owners in need? Join our team of dedicated volunteers to help out at stalls, sell raffle tickets, hand out goodie bags, sell products, and spread the word. We put up calls for help on our Facebook page and keep a database of people who are willing to help. This is a very much needed role. If this sounds like you, please keep an eye out or email us. This is also our volunteer form: 


Specialist Skills

We are always seeking people who have special skills like photography, Photoshop/editing skills, website management, bookkeeping, administration, general organisation… Anything you can bring to the table, please email us!

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This form is for messages only, not to apply for support. Due to high volume of messages and as we are completely volunteer run, please expect a delay before we respond.
For foster or care support click here

Thanks for submitting! We will get back to you as soon as we can.

©2021 Paws and Recover

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